The simplest form of a Level Switch, these units are most commonly used in applications varying from the smallest dosing tanks to giant vessels .
Their rigid Polypropylene construction provides excellent prevention from corrosion.
Magnetic level gauge
Magnetic Level Gauges have been a choice method of Level measurement for End Users across the world. The inherent design of the device offers options for level measurement in high pressure, extreme temperature and corrosive environments.
External chambers
External chambers for Radar Level Transmitters, Displacer Level Transmitters and Level Switches. Built as per ASME B31.3 and B31.1 in various materials - Carbon Steel, SS316L, Hastelloy C, Duplex and Inconel.
These Thermowells are manufactured from solid bar stock and installed into the process with the help of threaded process connection.
Flanged Thermowell
These thermowells are manufactured from solid bar stock pieces and welded in between as per the longer length requirement and installed into the pro-cess by using a bolted flanged connection.
With threaded inlet and outlets, 2 Valve Manifolds have been the indus-try choice for ‘Isolation and bleed’ for various kinds of Pressure Gauges and Transmitters.
Flushing Rings
Flushing Rings are installed between Diaphragm Seals and process connections. Being a wetted and pressure exposed part, selection of the material of construction is extremely critical.